♠ Posted by kayrozz in 1 Malaysia,50 Dalil Anwar Ibrahim Tidak Boleh Jadi PM,Ambiga Bersih,AMK Biadap,Anwar Ibrahim,Anwar Kantoi,Anwar Pembohong,Anwar Pengkhianat,Barack Obama at 10:59 PM
Addendum to “Freedom of Expression”, updated Sept 19, 2012
1. Hillary Clinton says the film insulting to Muslims cannot be stopped because of freedom of expression.
2. The French and Italian papers published photos of a naked Duchess of Cambridge. Now a French court has ordered the publishers to surrender all the pictures to the royal couple and to stop publishing them. The Italians are also going to do the same.
3. So freedom of expression is selective, not to be used against a countess but okay for the prophet of the Muslims.
4. I know there are many hypocrites in the West but this is the mother of all Western hypocrisy.
1. Hilary Clinton defends the film which insults the Prophet of the Muslims because of freedom of expression, a part of human rights. I think Western values have gone crazy. In the name of human rights and free speech one can insult anybody. What kind of human society will we have if everyone can curse and denigrate everyone else? There will be no peace either between countries or religions or races or members of the public anywhere.
2. How would one feel if someone comes up to you and calls you “a bastard, the offspring of sex between your mother and some man who is not your legally wedded father.”
3. Well how would one feel? The Americans would feel nothing because in their society this is normal. Their mothers sleep around with just about anybody. That is the norm, they would say. So do their fathers. It is an expression of the equality of the sexes.
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A Million Thanks To My Beloved Tun M for sharing his outstanding thoughts.
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